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The Artists Friend: ClassPass

Angela Allyn

This is an unsolicited review and I received nothing of material value from the company.

I am a dancer and performer along with a lot of other things, and staying in shape on a budget is a job requirement . I am also INCREDIBLY busy with a schedule that refuses to become routine. One of my kids talked me into a month’s free trial of ClassPass and now I am a subscriber. I could get credits for referring you but I want to be ethical and just tell you about a cool thing.

You sign up with ClassPass and download the app: it has a free trial period and you get a number of credits that can be used for yoga, pure barre, dance, Tai Chi– even Silver Sneakers!-- all kinds of fitness options. Once you are paying customer you can also use credits for haircuts, facials and manicures!

What ClassPass does is combine the affordability of joining a health club( a typical plan costs about the same as joining a yoga studio or higher quality health club) with the flexibility to mix and match types of workouts– you can take yoga at a yoga studio that meets your time and type needs and also head to a dance class. You can search for options in other cities when you visit.

The unanticipated benefit for me was discovering all these new places and types of activities: I would not have found the Hive, a wonderful dance studio with great teachers, or the beautiful Centered Yoga Studio tucked away on Glenwood Avenue. I don't think I would have wandered into the very early morning Sivananda Yoga meditation or tried Qigong in Skokie at! The variety in Chicago is inspiring and makes if fun to try new physicality. You can roll over some credits month to month so if you have a killer tech schedule and can’t get to class you can double up when its over. Or get a wellness treatment with all your leftover credits. So as we enter that indulgent season of the winter holidays, treat yourself and try ClassPass and maybe I will see you around.

See if it works for you : sign up for a free trial here:

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